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Legacy Of The Force Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 12:08 am
by freefly
Facts On Legacy Of The Force (Post Dark Nest)

*Some quotes regarding the arc: "Back in November when we had a big story conference putting this series together, we did have a catchphrase that should define how you should be thinking about these aging characters: 60 is the new 40." Allston.
"They're remaining hale and healthy, and active up until much later ages, as our culture is with increasing and improving medical technology. So don't think of them as septuagenarian doddering, weak people. They're active fighting 60 and 70-year olds and looking good." - Allston
"In the Galactic Alliance, Social Security doesn't start until 120" - Denning.
Rostoni added this era would first only be explored in books, but she didn't rule out the possibility of comics exploring this new horizon. She noted that it has no specific "end point." It currently extends for a hundred years.
*As the series progresses, it will occur more or less over "real-time" like the NJO did; that is, it will be set over three years, and each book will pick up approximately two-three months after the last (or however long is between the book' release dates).
*The Skywalkers and Solos will again be major players. However, the authors and editors are mindful of the rest of the cast/galaxy and the series will reflect this.
*Aaron Allston, Troy Denning and Karen Traviss are the three authors for the series. Each will write three novels; two paperbacks and a hardcover. Allston will kick off the series in June of 2006 and Denning will finish it in June of 2008.
*Both the villain(s) and the situations faced by the characters in the arc will be different to those of Dark Nest. That is, the arc will follow a separate storyline to Dark Nest.
*From Sue Rostini, regarding the arc: "Expect to see -- Star Wars. We very much want to go back to the pulp Space Opera feel of the original movies (as opposed to hard SciFi). The focus will be character-driven situations, set against a backdrop of perhaps not galactic proportions, but certainly providing opportunities for spectacular space battles and lots of lightsaber action. Expect to see the major characters (Skywalkers and Solos) and many of the minor characters (Jedi Knights), and some old favorites. And, hopefully, a lot of surprises."
*Ben will be one of the main characters.
*Much like the NJO, there will be an equal balance of the "older" and "younger" generation of Skywalkers/Solos.
*Dark Nest may give hints as to who the enemy of the Post-NJO arc is.
*While the enemy of the arc may not be as "big, large and nasty" as the Yuuzhan Vong, they will still be "fleshy," meaning that they may not be as powerful or epic as the Yuzzies, but will still have a backstory and the potential to cause a lot of damage.
*As Legacy opens, Luke is "plagued" by visions of an approaching darkness.
*Luke and Leia will most likely find out most of Padme's history in Legacy.
*At this stage, no new worlds or technology will feature in the arc.
*The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances is still in power.
*The Chiss will not feature in Legacy (they may still appear however); Tenel Ka and the Hapans will definitely be in the arc.
*Corran Horn and Booster Terrik will put in appearances.
*Although the Big Three (and Mara!) will be approaching their 60s (in Han's case, 70s) they will still be active, with Luke and Mara seeing much action.
*Karen Traviss said she enjoyed two characters getting together; not necessarily romantically, but she would not say who.
*Force Ghosts of known characters will most likely appear; one of them will possibly be an Anakin; which one is anyone's guess.
*The "mystery of Vergere" will be resolved.

*Legacy won't pull an NJO and open with a major character death, but the remainder of the series may see some characters not die.
*A Yuuzhan Vong may be a main character in the series, but this is not set in stone yet.
*Boba Fett and his Mandalorian Protectors will return, as will Hobbie and Tycho.
*Ben will most likely not have any siblings.
*Both Yoda's species and the Whills still appear to be off limits.
*Saba and Tesar will be present in the arc.
*The arc is a "full circle" story and may even bring elements from earlier in the timeline full circle. And looking at the references they made to Padme and certain Force ghosts, and a lot of other surprises they have in store, I don't doubt them.
*Lady Lumiya will have a major role in the Legacy of the Force arc.
*Two new artists will craft the covers of Legacy. One for the HCs, another for the paperbacks. The cover and blurb of Betrayal will be released on the Official Site just before Winter, along with the identities of the cover artists.
*It is still undecided as to whether or not the Imperial Remnant will play a part in the series.
*Karen had the following comments to say about Bloodlines, her first novel in the Legacy series:
-"When I was writing Bloodlines, I was looking at families and what they expect of us, and what we expect from them. And what defines family."
-She also said that Han and Fett are still able to kick ass, the difference is, "they feel it the next day."
-The title Bloodlines refers to the family lines of every point of view character in the novel.
*Admiral Bwua'tu will appear in Legacy of the Force (in one or more of Denning's novels).
*The origins of Lomi Plo and Welk will be explored in Legacy.
*Jason Felix will be doing the artwork for the HCs of the series.

A story seed with Kyle, Lumiya and a female Vong apprentice that occurs between TUF and Dark Nest from wizards of the coast's website.
In the aftermath of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Kyle Katarn went searching for clues about the Sith. He has yet to return. In response, Jan Ors and Jedi Master Mara Jade Skywalker have put together a crack team of heroes consisting of Alpha Blue agents and Jedi Knights to find Kyle. Eventually heading out into the region called the Cloak of the Sith, the heroes find Kyle held captive by the cyborg Jedi Daye Azur-Jamin, who has been twisted to the Dark Side by an evil Force-user. The heroes must free Kyle and attempt to turn Azur-Jamin back to the light.Whether they succeed or are instead forced to kill him, the cyborg reveals information that is truly shocking: There is a dangerous Force-strong Yuuzhan Vong loose in the galaxy, and judging from her powers, it is clear that she has a master . . .

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 12:17 am
by freefly
Quite interestingly, Dark Horse's creative talents are journeying into the distant future of the Star Wars galaxy, with Star Wars: Legacy. It would be fun if the Legacy Of The Force novels sets the stage for what unfolds in this comics series. Anyway, set more than a century after the events of Return of the Jedi, Legacy is set in a galaxy held in thrall by a resurgent Empire seeking to destroy the last of the Jedi. Even as their power is failing, the Jedi hold onto one final hope: the last remaining heir to the Skywalker legacy, one called Cade Skywalker.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:23 pm
by freefly
regarding Cade, Jan Duursema the writer wrote You don't know Cade Skywalker yet, but if you read Legacy you will. He's not a slave like Anakin nor is he a farm-boy like Luke. He's not Quin. I'm not sure I even LIKE him very much yet, but the scruffy murglak does intrigue me. A lot of folks are making the assumption that he is a pirate. Not so. The text says he spent some time with pirates--not that he currently is one. He's far more dimensional than that.

regarding the Sith, he wrote We spent long hours discussing the return of the Sith Order. We analysed the problem in great detail, and it is not conflict with George Lucas' vision of Star Wars. Even Lucas approved the basics of the story and he still thinks that the Expanded Universe isn't just an alternative universe which is different from his own. The Legacy series will not ruin the significance of the Prophecy and Anakin Skywalker's redemption.

regarding the story arc, he wrote Those who think Legacy will spoil anything in LotF are wrong. We will not reveal or give anything away. Both John and I read all the NJO novels and have seen what lies beyond. We work in concert with LF and the authors of the novels and have taken great pains not to spoil anything that comes before. LEGACY will be about Cade and what happens to him in a time populated by what I believe are some fascinating characters.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:55 pm
by Impulse
Oh man! 100 years after ROTJ!!! Cade Skywalker! Nice name! :lol:
I like their pirate logo.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:15 pm
by freefly
yeah that pirate logo is cool, somewhat reminiscent of the mandalorian's logo. i find that i'm already liking this new direction darkhorse is heading.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 12:37 am
by Impulse
will i get to see the next generation of lightsabres?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:04 am
by feitonglong
lady lumiya... now that's a name i have heard of in ages hehe...

appeared in the marvel series comics and thot to be dead...

the expanded universe's gonna be fun... :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:40 pm
by Jar
100 years after LOTF not ROTJ, thats what some of the forum was talking about that I heard, and Cade Skywalker (Is he the son of Ben) is apprentice of some pirate Jedi. Very confusing even before the LOTF is out.