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What Ever happend to Delta Squad?

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 8:58 am
by Arc_Trooper71
What ever Happend to Boss, Fixer, Scorch, and sev after Republic commando? Anyone know? any ideas? What so ever? I mean sure there's speculation, but any hard, solid facts? I've read both Hard Contact, and it's Sequel, but i need More info on Delta, So anyone know? Hit my post back if you have any Comments :?:

~Arc 71. Vode On! Long Live Mandalore. What few fans it has :!:

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 11:01 pm
by AquaFire
I heard Delta Squad fought at Kashyyyk for a battle and they were outnumbered and scattered. Then they had to leave Sev behind because they wouldn't be able to leave safely otherwise. Poor Sev.

BTW, I'm a fan of clone troopers, ARCs, and Mandalore.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 12:10 am
by Arc_Trooper71
Finally. Someone who is. Glad to see that, Vode An, Fierfeck!

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 6:18 pm
by AquaFire
Do you reckon they'll make a game based on ARCs/ Null ARCs/ Mandalorians? Fierfek, if they don't, ni jurkadir ti (mando'a for I'll attack someone). I've finished getting all Legendary statuses in Battlefront 2 and now I'm bored.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 10:19 pm
by Arc_Trooper71
Well..I was planning to get together with some buddies, and make a really cool Game..We'd have to do all the legal bit for it..but, if all goes acording to plan We'd have an Arc-Trooper based Special Ops. Game, kinda like Splinter-Cell, only as an Arc...The moves and set up would be kinda simular to that, but not exactly, I've sketched out everything for it..If my scanner gets fixed, I'll post it... Anyways.. I'd be the voice for the Arc. Lol.. My friend says I'd be good at it.. :lol: 8) :twisted: It would be really cool to see a game like this..

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 3:29 pm
by AquaFire
I know it'd be good, better than good, I think. 'Cos there's no SW game based on ARCs... until you make that game. And BTW, did Delta squad ever find Sev? It's just wrong that their squad is suddenly missing one member.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:18 am
by Arc_Trooper71
Alright, Aqua..Here's the scoop..The Jedi..Mostly Yoda had lied to the Commandos..Their last mission on the Game was not "Recon" It was really to hold the Main Wookie captial from an invasion...and, the RC's did it..At the loss of Sev. We're not really 100% positive if he died or not..Though there is some speculation that on Star Wars: Galaxies that one of the Drunkard guys in a bar is in fact, Sev. Due to his story of being a Clone commando abandoned on Kashyyyk. At the end of the Game Republic Commando here's how it pretty much goes.. Fixer: "Boss, we need to E-vac now!" Boss: " No! We have to go after Sev, we can leave him behind, I don't care if the Order to fall back came from Jedi General Yoda himself." Clone Commander: "As a matter of fact soldier, they did! Now get to the RP point, Pronto!" ---Something like that, It's not exact, but it is close... So..Sev was lost, on Kashyyyk.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 1:56 pm
by AquaFire
Hmm... what you said about the drunkard's story of being a clone commando abandoned on Kashyyyk equals to that drunkard is Sev. Too much of a coincidence for him to be someone else.

Would Delta squad have failed in their mission if they went after Sev? Maybe it will remain a mystery, but I'm going to say: "They're so good that they can go after all the clones they want to save and still emerge victorious!"

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:18 am
by Arc_Trooper71
To be sure, Someone who's Played Star Wars galaxies needs to find that character, and tell me what's up on that.. Care to help with that?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 3:28 pm
by AquaFire
I don't have the game, but I'll ask people who do.

Man, the SW authors must have a hard time, trying to find all the facts in the SW universe to make their stories canonical.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:04 pm
by Arc_Trooper71
Yeah, I would say so..=/ My Fanfic is coming along well...We'll get to that next.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:31 pm
by AquaFire
Awesome! Many thanks and appreciation, brother.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:35 pm
by dr34m
A tribute to my fav commando :(

RC-1207 (Delta-07)

Though he inwardly struggled with the concept of living up to Walon Vau, he was outwardly a tough, aggressive individual; often showing psychopathic tendencies. Although Scorch had the reputation as Delta Squad's comedian, Sev had a grim and sadistic sense of humor, which was more often than not the counterpart to Scorch's jokes. Sev was Delta squad's sniper – and was at his best when sighting an enemy in the scope of his DC-17m sniper rifle. Like his fellow clone commandos, Sev wore the distinctive Katarn armor, but his suit also had grim, blood-red streaks painted across it. His squad mates, however, sometimes wondered if these disturbing markings were actually paint at all.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:48 pm
by Sev-like
He's my favourite too... Those "blood stripes" are really cool.... :D

Too bad they lost him at Kashyyyk....but he'll probably shoot his way out or something..

One of my friends is writing a fanfic...the sniper in his story was named "Sev-2" as a tribute...

Did anyone know which happens first? The battle of Kashyyyk in Republic Commando or the upcoming Karen Traviss' novel Order 66?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:37 pm
by dr34m
Hmm the Kashyyyk mission was carried out 19 years before Battle of Yavin, 31-35 months after Battle of Geonosis

And Order 66 was executed 35 months after Battle of Genosis so chances is high that the mission took place before Order66