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Star Wars Battlefront II review

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 4:04 am
by donleow

Published by: LucasArts
Developed by: Pandemic Studios
Genre: Shooter
Number of Players: 64( multiplayer mode)
Release Date for AM & AP: Q4 2005
Features: Online
Media Size: 1 DVD

Reviewed by : Don Leow

References and Photo Source: IGN, Gamespot, LucasArt

Executive Summary
If it makes money, i always think there should be a sequel. If it is a cashcow and it's associated with Star Wars, then there will definitely be a sequel. , then this should be Star Wars Battlefront 2 later this year on the PS2,Xbox and PC of course.

I have compiled from various source and E3 of this highly acclaimed and anticipated LucasArts' and Pandemic'studio joint effort soon-to-be-announced sequel to the popular squad-based action game for all.

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The original Star Wars Battlefront which i first bought from PK computer came out on September 20 2004 and featured the ability to fight through all of the classic battle scenes we been all familiar with the Star Wars trilogies. Levels that one can be challenge with by achieving some pre-set goals or by wearing down the opposing army( i love the wearing part). In the fight itself, advantages were gained by taking control of nodes in the map so that players had more options for places to respawn.

It has made considerable waves with starwars gamers like me for sure. The original game went a long way with its simple, winning premise that had you fighting battles in the Star Wars universe using the military forces seen in the two trilogies. Battlefront managed to do fulfill my childhood fantasies better with engaging game types and online play. Given the first game's success, it is my strong belief in the force that LucasArts and original developer Pandemic will be deploying a sequel which has been announced recently...Yippee....

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Post Mortem by LucasArt

In the wake of Battlefront's success, LucasArts and Pandemic both took a step back to soak in the good, the bad, and the ugly from players of the game. Fan feedback, coupled with LucasArts and Pandemic's own wish list of what to include in the Battlefront sequel, has formed the driving force behind the development of new content. Judging from the early look at what the game has in store, the above is shaping up to be quite a powerful combo. New gameplay modes, more locations to fight in, tweaks to the individual units in your squad, the debut of an all-new unit for each squad, the introduction of Jedi combatants, new battle types, and plenty of Episode III content in the ambitious sequel.

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Star Wars Battlefront II from my reference will be expected to improves upon the blockbuster multiplayer original with new space combat, playable Jedi, and never-before-seen environments straight out of final Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith film(IGN source). The game features an all-new single-player experience that takes players through an epic, story-based saga where every action the player takes impacts the battlefront and, ultimately, the fate of the Star Wars galaxy.

The sequel features as confirmed by lucasart that it improved flight control, complex space combat that allows players to board enemy capital ships and battle to take over flying command posts or sabotage the ship to be used against the other faction, increased total online player numbers, and memorable multiplayer encounters in 12 new locations( likely environment and planet systems that we see in the movie and novels - TBA).

As I have hope, the classic series will also be mined for some new locales. The interior of the Death Star and Princess Leia's blockade runner (as seen in the classic opening moments of A New Hope) will provide unique new environments to fight in which has been confirmed by producer Shara Miller. These new locations also hint at one of the biggest new additions to the Battlefront experience: space combat. This oh-so-cool addition to combat showed very well during our demo, despite its work-in-progress condition. The level to be expected was set in the interior of a blockade runner, and it initially appeared to be following the standard Battlefront formula. However, when the troops reached the ship's hangar--which housed a TIE fighter, a TIE Interceptor, a TIE bomber, and an X-Wing fighter--the soldiers each hopped into the nearest ship and took it outside to join the fray going on between the capital ships.

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A look at Pandemic Studios effort

Pandemic studio has what i regard as a good welcome tweaks to the core squad-based action from the official pictures released, which should please fans of the first game. Among them are the abilities to sprint when on foot or "dash" when in a vehicle, as well as the ability to switch between squad types, anytime you want, by heading to one of your command posts. The extent of the Episode III content is being kept vague, although from IGN report I did note the aforementioned planets. The only thing reps on hand would reveal was that in addition to planets, I will love see a space battle above Coruscant and some other very cool actions that have been showcase in ep3

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Based on early look by major game review site I forsee and probably bet my starwars M&M packet of chocolate with all :lol: , Star Wars: Battlefront II is expected to outshine its predecessor to feature some welcome additions experiences and well like by fans and newcomers alike. While the addition of space battles alone is enough for me to pop a bottle of champagne , the amount of fine-tuning the game is undergoing should make for better overall gameplay as well. If you're a fan of the first Battlefront or of Star Wars in general, you'll most definitely want to keep an eye on Battlefront II in the coming months. More will come when the actual game is released....

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Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 1:47 pm
by fabianlau
where to see this pic??? u buying this game??

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:38 am
by donleow
this pictures are provided courtesy of IGN...and it shld be available soon by this nov as the latest info we know abt the launch...and should be available in major computer stores.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:26 pm
by e3lipse
Just bought it at Funan

Cya later! Play time :P

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 4:15 pm
by BobaFett
e3lipse wrote:Just bought it at Funan

Cya later! Play time :P
How do you find this game? Please give us a short review. :)

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 7:27 pm
by e3lipse
Heres some screen shots
Some screenies

Theres a map called Mos Eisley and its a heroes map ... Haha Check it out


Its really good graphics, space battles make my head groggy
Some maps such as felucia has so much greens that its not really easy to see separtist forces. They seem to blend into the place

Theres an all hero map, mos eisley. maybe theres more . i have not tried out every single map, i got lots of screenies of the heroes map above.
My fave for the bad guys darth maul and good guys ,yoda..

Price : Not justified!!! I haven gotten a game since 2003 , always borrowed from my cousin who downloaded . Too ex! How to discourage piratism when they price things so high that i have to sacrifice my lecture chewys for it

Fun factor 5/5 Its just fantastic

Variations in troopers and vehicles : 3/5 Can be better ..Wheres the turbotank and why cant we pilot star destroyers and equivalents?

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 8:42 pm
by BobaFett
Great review!! Thanks.

Time for me to grab hold of the Xbox version so I can play in on a big screen. :lol:

btw, what resolution you running for this game? Did you set it to max detail?

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:11 pm
by e3lipse
BobaFett wrote:Great review!! Thanks.

Time for me to grab hold of the Xbox version so I can play in on a big screen. :lol:

btw, what resolution you running for this game? Did you set it to max detail?
Nope. Not max. My laptop cannot handle max. But least it has ATI Radeon Card. My friend's IBMs have only integrated gfx cards.. phew for choosing acer. :D

This game rocks!

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 12:15 pm
by Impulse
sure looks promising, but a bit too ex for me. getting somewhere much later.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 12:23 pm
by e3lipse
Commander Faie wrote:sure looks promising, but a bit too ex for me. getting somewhere much later.
Your missing on all the fun.

Did i say, your heroes have a timed life.
It decreases slowly if you do not kill anyone
It gains by killing enemies
The jedis and sith have a timed life

Your vehicles now can ' run ' too, by pressing shift or your forward key twice. It recharges very fast.

Jedi/Sith have some interesting powers.
Force pull/push/choke or saber throw

There are different modes of playing ,
Capture the Flag
Conquest and many more. Definite 10000 times better than the simple battlefront

I will try to add on as time goes by. A little busy with other stuffs at the moment :D

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 12:50 pm
by donleow
nice job e3lipse....are u interested to be recruited to write game review for our forum...let me know and u can drop me a PM...

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:09 pm
by e3lipse
Thanks , but i think i wouldn't be purchasing games very frequently, i was hooked on battlefront so i had to get its prequel . Is this forum meaning this forum :?:

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:20 pm
by e3lipse
Heres some stuffs
Play as

Genosians ... els8li.jpg
Tusken Raiders

Ewoks throw spears and rocks
Geonosians fly with their sonic blaster
Wampa does body slams and claws as their weapon
Gunguns...throws termal detonators and runs around with a fusion cutter
Jawas uses their ion blasters
Tuskens have 2 sniper rifles , bolt or lazer
Wookies go around with their bowcaster

You need to be their planet and on the 'hunt' mission to play/kill them ;)

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:14 pm
by e3lipse
Theres something i still cant do...
How do i slice into vehicles?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:06 pm
by Dr EMH
Anyone here playing the PS2 version?