Manufacturer: Loading Toys Limited.
Availability: Online Stores(BBTS, HLJ, Amazon) / Local Toy Shops
Release Date:Mid 2011
Via http://www.loadingtoys.com
It's been a while since my last review... and let me present to you this week, an ultimate diorama accessory most collectors would (kinda) swear by...
The infamous toilet bowl with extreme filth. and currency notes in 1/6 scaled.

Here's the packaging,

Opening it up,

The contents,

The various views of it...

And further inspection...

This was probably meant as an accessory piece for the kind of diorama scene of gangster shoot out or so... and without further ado... a minor reenactment...
"Oh man... that medium well nerf steak is acting up... I need to relieve myself"

"Is this the refresher? OMG! The filth of it... looks worse than my stint back on tatooine."

"Looks like the water is clear."

"Ooooo...aaaahhhh... Ooooooo...aaaahhhh...."

*Gets up since the deed is done*

"OH MAN! The flush is not working??!?!?!?!?!"

"Come on come on... need to erase the evidence"

"Thermal Det, it shall be"


*Dives for cover... as det. drops in with the cover dropping over it*


Thanks for reading...