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The Sandtrooper's Story - Part II

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:05 am
by deckard
For anyone who has read Part I, here's more to the story. This is a Work In Progress.

Part II picks up immediately after the Millennium Falcon blasts out of docking bay 94 in Part I.

If you missed Part I, it can be found on these same forums here:


The Sandtrooper's Story - Part II
The Sandtrooper’s Story © 2006 Ward Jones

Chapter 11 - Departure

Falker paced back and forth across the floor of the open bay pit looking up at the melted metal pipes hanging from the smoking, sooty wall as he finally received the name of the departing ship from the port authority. The top rim of docking bay 94 had been blackened and burned by the main engines of the departing Millennium Falcon. He confirmed with the crews of the Star Destroyers Offender and Seether, that the ship in question had run from them, and escaped into hyperspace.

0600 and Rogue carried the lifeless body of Taka out of docking bay 94, leaving the corpses of Tyrell’s troops lying in the sand. There would be an inspection team here soon, but Taka deserved a better fate than to be picked apart in the official investigation process. Ddraig found a repulsor sled in the upper hallway and met them at the top of the stairs. The bloodied, broken body of their comrade was gently lowered to its surface. Everyone stood silent for a moment, staring down at what could easily have been any one of them. Without a word, the sled was slowly and reverently moved down the hallway, past a silent Garindan, toward bay 98.

Any thoughts Rogue and 0600 may have had about Taka buying his way out of prosecution alongside them for the Belliran V Massacre were now gone. In the darkness of our shuttle flight, he had said he thought they were dead in the med lab when he was released. Even if he had bargained his way out, he had now sacrificed his life for Rogue, repaying any debt he may have had . . . real or imagined. Felth walked behind a bit, and seemed to be somewhat preoccupied. 4120 fell back to see what was wrong. “Nothing . . . just going over what just happened . . . making sure I did what I should have.â€

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:48 am
by deckard
Chapter 12 - Sifting for Clues

A murky fog hung heavy over the still waters below, as the Outrider coasted silently along on repulsors, scanning the waters along the edge of the enormous lake on Dathomir. There were pieces of debris half submerged here in the shallows . . . from battles long over. The wreckage of several snubships of various origin could be seen just below the glassy surface, and the still, silent head of an All Terrain Armored Transport broke the surface, thrust upward like a metallic beast struggling for air, forever frozen in time. Rendar had heard of the savage battles here, and from the widespread abundance of twisted remnants, he could tell it was one that raged for some time. As the fog thinned under the heat of the emerging sun, the faint outline of a huge sail barge was visible in the distance.


He maneuvered his ship over to it, silently sliding past, taking note of its excellent condition. Very little, if any, damage was visible from the outside. Either her crew had been killed, or it had been accidentally set adrift during the battle. Regardless of how she came to be here in this ship graveyard, Rendar knew he could sell her easily on the open market. The retractable awnings and masts on the upper decks would have to be stowed in a swept-back position for transporting, he thought as his brain raced with the possibilities. He tried desperately to think of someone that owed him a favor . . . someone with a transport large enough to contain her.

There was a filthy-rich, Hutt crime lord back on Tatooine that would pay generously for such a high-profile display of wealth . . . possibly even generously enough for him to finally purchase a second ship. As he contemplated going onboard to look for salvageable cargo, his scanner began blipping . . . reminding him of the current reason he was here . . . there was a gathering of large lifeforms just ahead on the shore of the lake.

The Outrider silently pulled away from the barge as Rendar keyed the position of the barge into his ‘nav computer . . . he would be back. As for this current trip, if all went well with the capture, he would be on his way back to Tatooine soon . . . with his quarry. A high-pitched chorus of cries rose from the shoreline . . . the gathering of beasts had made a kill and was fighting over the steaming carcass. Rendar cinched his chest armor down tightly, checked his holstered blaster, and energized the powerful stun rifle leaning against his instrument panel . . . he had to capture a young one . . . and it had to be alive.

* * *

I later came to discover that this inner city portion of Mos Eisley was known as “Pirate Cityâ€

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:49 am
by deckard
Chapter 13 - Thoughts from a Moisture Farmer's Wife

Vader closed the file from the Inspection Team. Tyrell and a small band from Zeta Squad had been destroyed. The sole survivor from the unit, TK-1023 - Davin Felth, was still on-planet with the newly formed Moisture Farm Patrol. The missing plans had been carried overland by maintenance and protocol ‘droids who had somehow managed to deliver them to Obi-Wan, who had escaped Tatooine with plans for the Death Star along with a young moisture farmer named Luke. Luke. That was the name he had heard his Padme utter in his vision as he had seen Obi-wan holding an infant. What did it all mean?

His child had died with Padme.

Who was this Luke? It was all very unclear.

What was clear to him now was why the traitorous Princess from Alderaan had traveled to Tatooine . . . to seek the help of the hidden Jedi Knight and former General of the Republic Army. When the Devastator followed her ship through hyperspace from Toprawa, and her scheme for a personal visit and appeal to Obi-Wan for help fell apart, she entrusted the future of the Rebellion with two service ‘droids.

She was desperate to reach him and coax him from seclusion and into service once again. Her desperation must have been vividly conveyed to him by the ‘droids for him to leave the safety of the hiding place that had protected him all these years. He must have sensed the urgent need to deliver the plans to someone in the Rebellion who could use them. But, if there was such a dire and urgent need to get offworld with the plans, why would Obi-Wan have bothered to bring along a young farmhand?

Anakin had seen his master’s dislike for pathetic lifeforms many times on their missions together. His master was near, of that he was certain. All these years thinking he had been robbed of dispatching Obi-Wan . . . and now . . . that act he had dreamed of so many times was close at hand.

The silence of his open meditation chamber was interrupted by sporadic reports on the open communication channel he had left open. He had been scanning helmet communications for any indication that the passengers of the Millenium Falcon had been located. He wished members of the 501st were still onboard the station, but with its completion, they had been reassigned. Even though his personal group was not present, the station’s troops would find them, it was just a matter of time.

“Base, we’re entering detention block AA-23 to inspect camera malfunctions and reports of a reactor leak.â€

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:49 am
by deckard
Chapter 14 - Sacrifice

Falker disappeared into the hallway leading to the docking bays as Etz and Topolev watched the activity of the street. Topolev pushed one of the Dewbacks away and turned to Etz, “We’ll make a Sandtrooper out of you yet, Etzâ€

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:50 am
by deckard
Chapter 15 - Tatooine Echoes

The small, furry Jawa hand gently closed around the grip of her Ion blaster. She was on her own for another three days until the ‘Crawler came by and she needed this food. Breathing slowly and steadily, she took aim at the gathering of desert scurriers in the shadows ahead. When the majority of the little creatures were in range, she gently tapped the trigger and a blue haze of energy was flung out of the muzzle, washing over them.

Five of the nine fell to the ground dead. The remaining four, which had been shielded by the others, ran away and hid amongst the rocks. Smoke rose from the less fortunate animals as she came out from behind her rock, holstering the blaster and muttering to herself as she set to collecting her dinner, dropping them one by one into a small sack.

As she did, the rock beside her popped several times, sparks flying, immediately followed by the report of a rifle.

Cursing in her native tongue, she dove back behind the rock, rolling into the sand. Sandpeople, she thought to herself. Her hearts were beating hard now as she rolled over and crawled forward to get a look at where the fire was coming from. Glowing eyes peered out from beneath the darkness of her hood as she scanned the top of the cliff where it met the darkening sky.


She scanned back across the ridgeline again and this time caught some brief movement as a raider’s head protruded momentarily above the rocks. It raised its’ head up again as she watched, the reddish-orange sunlight glinting off the metal eyepieces and spikes thrusting out of the wrapped bandages. It was looking for her, trying to find her again among the rocks.

The Tusken Raider slowly moved its’ rifle back and forth over the stone, staring through the sight and taking aim on her general area as it sought her out. Then he fired several shots which ricocheted in a shower of sparks on the stone above her.

One of two Tuskens grunted as he worked to get a better firing angle, leaning out over the edge of the rock . . . and right into the center of Danz’ targeting reticle. The seasoned Sandtrooper watched as the Raider moved its’ head squarely in to the center of his sight imaging. He gently squeezed back on the trigger of his rifle, releasing a bolt of energy which burst through the head of the Tusken as it roared one final time. Immediately there was a second blast, taking out the other Raider, who slumped forward across the flat rock.

The little Jawa cautiously raised herself to her knees, dinner in hand, peering from behind her rock. She looked over to where the blast had come from. A kneeling Sandtrooper was rising to his feet, powering off his rifle and slinging it over his shoulder as he ascended the boarding ramp of his ship . . . a beautiful Imperial shuttle. The little Jawa’s eyes glowed brighter as she momentarily dreamed of stripping and salvaging it. She came back to reality as she remembered that she was alive because of its owner.

A moment later, Danz reappeared, emerging from the ship with an armful illuminators to mark their descending path in the hillside. The hatch to the ship closed as he moved away, starting back up the cliff toward the tiny B’Omarr shrine near the top. The little Jawa gathered up her bag of food and scampered off toward a small cave to prepare her meal. She glanced over her shoulder once or twice to make sure no more Tuskens were watching . . . and to have another look at the shuttle.

* * *

The air in the depths of the ancient wreckage was completely still. Light filtered in from ripped openings in the hull far above. As Ddraig stepped off the last rung of the durasteel ladder to the floor, Nadon turned and continued to lead us further along the gentle slope into the darkness. He took several steps beyond the light, and just as my thermal imaging kicked in, I heard a woooshing sound fly past me on the left, then on the right.

As I looked around to see what it was, a faint glow began to fill the room . . . a glow emanating from a dozen points around the room. I saw Nadon, arms raised up with hands open and extended, silhouetted by the glow from . . . trees.

I stepped a bit closer and pulled off my bucket, as did the others, taking in what we were seeing a little clearer. As I lowered the helmet away from my face, there were several more woooshing sounds that flew past me and disappeared into the darkness. The glow from the trees steadily grew brighter until we could clearly see that the glow came not from the trees, but from small creatures clinging to their trunks.

The arrangement of trees was circular around the floor of the room, and arranged at evenly spaced intervals up the walls and across the catwalks near the roof. At their bases, were large watering basins filled with the roots and sealed around the bottom of the trunks to prevent moisture from escaping.

Cables were stretched tight across the room, side to side at varying heights. Nadon stood in front of a small, crude bench with a coil of cable on the lower shelf and several small items strewn across the top. Danz came walking up behind us, and dropped an illuminator to the ground next to several medium sized storage crates as he pulled off his bucket.

Nadon, with eyes closed in concentration, lowered his hands and lay them out flat in the air, spreading his long fingers just above the surface of the bench. As he did, the woooshing sounds streaked past us as a half dozen remote seekers flew in from the recesses of the darkness, silently whisking past and coming to hover just above the Ithorian’s hands, rotating ever so slightly.

Nadon opened his eyes and turned to us, gesturing with his arm, “Ben Kenobi’s Jedi training arena.â€

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:51 am
by deckard
Chapter 16 - Chasms and Trenches

Data intensive status reports scrolled rapidly across several large illuminated screens, but Wilhuff Tarkin sat swiveled ‘round, staring out the large portal behind his desk. His face was coldly emotionless . . . his thoughts were not of his precious statistics, but of the power that was now under his control . . . the power to simply wipe planets from the heavens if they dared resist the Emperor.

He had worked long and hard to finally be seated here watching Imperial history unfold around him. Many had died to bring this station and his new command to life . . . not nearly enough of those dirty Wookiees, he thought.

The stars slipped silently past as the Death Star advanced on the Yavin system. Vader’s little plan had worked. He had successfully located the Millennium Falcon and set course for the fourth moon in the system. Although his grand creation lacked hyperdrive, it was tracking along quite nicely at sub-light speeds. It had left the debris field that had been Alderaan in its wake, slipped silently past Phindar, and was now bearing down on the Giant, gaseous planet of Yavin.

The moon in question was in mid-orbit, on the far side, and would soon be in range of the main Superlaser. Tarkin amused himself as he thought of the Rebels hidden somewhere among the jungle forests and the abandoned temples of the once-proud Massassi, scurrying to find a way to escape the deadly shadow cast by the monstrous station. He stood, straightened his tunic and exited his chambers, heading for the Superlaser observation deck . . . he wanted a good view of the end of the Rebellion.

* * *

While “Benâ€

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:51 am
by deckard
Chapter 17 - Recovery

The little Jawa backed away from the sound, moving to a safer position behind the large stone column. As she moved around it, she found herself stuck to fine strands of thread wound around the column. She pulled away and the threads pulled with her, sticking to her robes. Winding her hand around the webbed strands, she pulled away with a jerk, severing them.

Sketto webs were common on Tatooine, especially in the cool shade of the cliff caves. Cautiously, she scanned the dim cavern above for any sign of the four-winged, blood-sucking reptomammals. Tatooine legend told that a swarm of Skettos could suck a sleeping Dewback dry overnight. She knew it wouldn’t take nearly that long to drain her little body. There didn’t appear to be any flying about, and the sound she heard was coming from the bridge above. Several small stones fell from the bridge, as she heard movements and a scraping sound . . . like a tied animal struggling to free itself.

There was a muffled noise followed by a loud scrape as a shower of stones fell to the ground and a large sack of Sketto webbing, tangled up in many web filaments slipped off the edge of the bridge and fell toward the ground. The tangled webbing pulled hard against the powerful strands it was tangled in, and stopped its fall suspended several feet above the stone floor in a vertical attitude.

The webbing moved and stretched from inside, and the frightened Jawa moved further behind the large stone. It was then that a leg pushed through the top of the tangle of strands and thrust out into the dim light. Turning her head to the side to get a better look around the stone, she saw that the leg was encased in white armor. This was no Sketto.

Moving slowly out from behind the shattered column, she walked over to the undulating silky bundle. Reaching up to the webbing, she grabbed it and abruptly pulled it apart. Danz pushed his sweaty, upside-down face out the hole she had made into the air and drew in a deep breath, scaring the little Jawa, who instinctively jumped back and slipped on the loose stones, falling backward to the darkness of the floor.

A black-gloved hand slipped out under Danz’ chin and pushed the webbing further away from his head, stretching the strong fibers up toward the ceiling of the enormous cavern until his chest armor was visible. He worked a shoulder through the opening and with his weight now over the opening, it pushed open wider as he squeezed through the narrow opening and fell to the hard rock below. He heard a muffled roar in his ears and although it was dark, he began to see an increasing white light as he slipped into unconsciousness.

He felt the little Jawa kneel beside him and begin wiping the blood from his eyes on her robe. Neither heard the muffled voices of the other members of the 104th as they descended toward him on cables from out of the darkness above.

* * *

“Artoo, that stabilizer’s broken loose again. See if you can’t lock it down!â€

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:55 am
by deckard
Chapter 18 - Moral Dilemma

The ground crew, freedom fighters, pilots, officials, leadership and his new friends had all cleared out of the Ceremonial hall, and Luke Skywalker sat alone on the stone steps, looking down at the hero’s medal around his neck. His life had accelerated beyond his wildest imaginings and thrust him squarely into the center of the conflict with the Empire. Like it or not, he was now part of the Alliance and prominently displayed on the Empire’s hit list.

His thoughts dissolved into images of his life back on Tatooine . . . a life that was now lost forever, scattered on the winds like the smoke from his ruined home. Since the death of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, he had been caught up in the unfolding of events beyond his control.

He had been running on adrenaline and the desire to help the beautiful princess avoid execution. With all that now behind him, he realized that while he had learned a bit from Ben in the short time they had traveled together, it would not be nearly enough to become a Jedi Knight and face Vader.

The whirring of R2’s motors brought him back into the moment as the little droid rolled to a stop behind him. Threepio ambled in behind him, “R2-D2, can’t you see Master Luke wants to be alone?â€

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:56 am
by deckard
Chapter 19 - Crash and Burn

Nearly a week had gone by since Etz’ revelation of the Carbonite-contained Commando in the cache, and we were still stuck, divided about what to do with him. Rogue had conceded the point that no one would know or care if he were removed from the block, unless he decided to tell someone once he was out.

We were now in a much darker place where the trooper was concerned. It was no longer a question of authority to remove him, but rather what would the repercussions of doing so be?

What had he done to warrant being frozen in the first place?

What would he think of being released?

Would he be able to think at all?

Was he alive?

We had the spare gear to assemble a set of armor and assimilate him into our group if necessary, but then he had his own armor that he may prefer to keep. These questions kept circling around and around, and we found ourselves no closer to resolution.

The work on the 'droid was coming along nicely, although the astromech still needed a fair number of parts to even approach being functional. Ddraig and I had located some of the supplies in the small shops near the spaceport, and although they were not a perfect match, we were able to make some minor modifications to suit our needs.

We had all been extremely busy. In addition to the daily city beat and the patrols around the spaceport, Rogue and 4120 were working on a roster and schedule for extended patrols further out into the outlying areas, closer to the moisture farmers and their problems. 0600 and I had made a sweep of the perimeter of the farms and homesteads to gauge the area and time needed to properly patrol it.

In the course of our travels, we noted that the Jawas seem to have been spooked by the destruction of one of their Sandcrawlers and had been laying low, leaving the moisture gathering equipment alone and not even bothering to return to salvage from their own ruins yet. I had remembered kicking aside the dome of a damaged R5 unit in the ‘crawler when the skirmish had occurred, so I poked through a bit of the wreckage in the cargo bay until I found what was left of the ‘droid body and brought it back to cannibalize parts.

Falker and Etz had just left, heading over to speak with Wuher, or someone in the Cantina to locate a local that would be willing to act as a scout for locating and dealing with the Tuskens. So far, even Garindan had turned up no one for us. It was beginning to seem that the best way to deal with the Tuskens was with a fully charged blaster.

I sat on my bunk, quietly continuing to clean the contacts on one of the new battery harnesses with a rag as Felth walked through the room. He was absorbed with what was on the screen of his holonet pack and didn’t see me. He silently scrolled through his messages and then appeared shaken when he looked up and realized I was in the room.

“What’s up Felth?â€

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:57 am
by deckard
Chapter 20 - Canyon Search

Under the watchful eye of the moisture farmer, the group of young local pilots stood gathered at the canyon’s rim far above us, peering through macrobinoculars at the wreckage and scattered debris field below, their baggy tunics flapping wildly in the late afternoon winds.

Rogue had instructed both the drop ship and the shuttle to be set down at the base of the Stone Needle, near the wreckage of the two airships. We had taken the transport and were slowly gliding over the scattered debris that was leading us back to the original point of impact. Topolev, Falker and I were watching off the tailboard and over the open sides for any signs of life as Blade piloted, slowly creeping along. The initial point of impact was several hundred meters behind the smoking remains of the ships, with a scattering of parts flung across the stony floor and high into the jagged cliff rocks.

Back at the ships, the fuel gel in the T-16s had long since burned away, and all that remained now was hot twisted metal . . . neither craft would ever fly again. Camie sat with the doctor on the ramp of the sentinel as we worked to get inside the tangled mess. “There’s no pilot in this one!â€

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:57 am
by deckard
Chapter 21 - Fate and Shifting Sands

In the six or so weeks that had followed the crash in the canyon, things had calmed a bit around the spaceport. Our sweeps of the city and visits to the outlying moisture farms continued on in relative mundane tedium. Although the farmers were usually surprised, they were generally always happy to see us actually following through on our promises to be a presence in the region.

Rogue had spoken with Darklighter, and discovered that he too was the victim of sabotage and theft. Not only were his ‘vaporators being damaged and drained of their water, crops were being stolen from his hydroponic gardens as well. Supplies from his company warehouses had also been rifled through and some small items taken. If he was behind the issues we were investigating for the moisture farmers, he had been very careful to cover his tracks.

On several occasions, while showing me the best places to find ‘droid parts, I had engaged the Hammerhead, Nadon, in conversations about General Kenobi, but had learned precious little more than I had already uncovered. Kenobi, Luke and the ‘droids carrying the secret data were all intertwined somehow. If I wanted to know more about the man, and why he would have left with a local farmboy and the ‘droids we were hunting, I had to find his home.

I had a theory, untested as of yet, that involved the electronic signature of a moisture ‘vaporator’s condenser motor. If they had a strong enough signature to be read by the instruments on the Sentinel, I could use it to perform sweeps over the stony canyons of the Jundland wastes to search for Kenobi’s home. It wasn’t much, but if it worked, it might just be the best lead I had.

4120 and Etz had made several trips to Bestine to check on the status of the injured kids. Windy had recovered completely and been discharged with no memory of the Tusken abduction, but Deak and Fixer remained under the constant supervision of several med ‘droids. Fixer was definitely the worse of the two, with several broken ribs, a leg broken in three places, and multiple lacerations to the face and limbs. He also had yet to regain consciousness for more than a few seconds since the accident.

Deak had regained consciousness after about a week and had been recovering slowly, his own broken bones and torn muscles being regenerated daily in the therapy sessions with the ‘droids. The swelling and black eyes had faded, but the bandages and tenderness surrounding his now-straightened nose remained. He had improved dramatically, however, and could soon be released.

Camie had barely left Fixer since the crash, and had sworn she would be at his side when he awoke. The doctor assured her it was only a matter of time before that happened, once the slight internal swelling in his head had gone down sufficiently to relieve the pressure on his brain.

Back at base, in Mos Eisley, we had still not come to a decision about the imprisoned Commando, much to Etz’ discontent. The agreement to disagree as to the troopers’ fate had been one of quiet informality. One day had turned into two, which became a week, which had turned into several weeks. Etz had given up hope, switched off the repulsor field generator embedded in the carbonite and propped the prisoner up on an angle against the wall at the end of our bunkroom.

Ddraig and I had been trying unsuccessfully for four days to bring the damaged astromech online, having burned out two power sources while trying to figure out the wiring scheme. We were confident that we had worked through the errors and were ready to try once again. 1265 was in the ‘fresher, Topolev was on his bunk sipping cool water as he cleaned his E-11 and Etz was almost asleep on his as we worked. Rogue, Falker and 4120 were in the front office and Danz and Blade were out on a patrol.

I sat on my bunk and connected the ‘droids wiring harness to the power cells as Ddraig, sitting on his bunk on the opposite side of the little ‘droid, flipped on the small fusion furnace to jump-start the circuits.

He looked over at me, I nodded to him, “All set here, go ahead.â€

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:58 am
by deckard
Chapter 22 - The Dig Site

The slight rattle of the air currents across the wide wings subsided as the shuttle passed out of the atmosphere into orbit. BoShek was seated in the navigator’s seat beside 0600, who was piloting. The blue-purple of the late afternoon sky transitioned to the black of space as they continued to ascend.

He wondered to himself what these troops were looking for and how they thought he might be able to help. He was tired. His eyelids closed over burning eyes. Not only did he deliver the parts to Bespin, but he was asked by the mine administrator to install the parts into another unit he had delivered some time before. His arms ached, his head hurt, he was hungry and had planned for a much better use of his time at a Sabacc table in Chalmun’s.

Now far beneath them, the surface of Tatooine slipped by as the shuttle accelerated toward the far side. 0600 turned to him, “Let me know when you think we’re close to the location.â€

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:58 am
by deckard
Chapter 23 - Trust and Escapes

The smooth floor plate slammed shut as Chewbacca let go of the durasteel panel. He reached for the last plate and slid it into place, over the hidden compartments beneath which, at the moment, were packed full with cases of money, paid in full by the Rebel Alliance Government. He didn’t agree with accepting money for the rescue of the Princess, but he new Solo needed the money to set things right with Jabba, if it wasn’t already too late.

The Wook reached into his leather satchel as he walked toward the cockpit. He pulled out a small chain with two golden chance cubes dangling from it. He slipped through the narrow door, glancing back once to make sure he was alone. Then he moved between the co-pilot and pilot’s chairs and reached up to reattach the chain to an overhead lever. “Chewie!â€

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:59 am
by deckard
Chapter 24 - Revelations

As he passed Adriana and Ohann, two gas giants, Luke witnessed the phenomenon which was the basis of ancient local legend. He had heard them repeatedly while growing up; of travelers mistaking Tatooine for a third, smaller sun. Its silicate surface reflected the light of its two suns so intensely it appeared nearly as bright as a third star.

The X-wing fighter raced through the upper fringes of Tatooine’s atmosphere, heading toward coordinates Leia had supplied him with. It was the same data her father had entrusted her with, and she in turn had embedded in R2’s memory systems as a command control for seeking out Obi Wan Kenobi. A string of data scrolled along the bottom edge of his nav’ panel display: Southwestern edge of the Dune Sea, Alpha-1733-Mu-9033, First Quadrant.

There was enough of the young farmboy left in him to want to go flying into Anchorhead, land his fighter in the sand outside Tosche Station, and stroll in to show his old friends where fate had taken him. Fortunately, there was also just enough of the fledgling Jedi apprentice not to.

He knew if he was to have any chance at the task that had been handed him; he needed to keep a most serious mind, a focused vision. There was much he needed to discover about himself and about the Force. Above all, patience with his own shortcomings and inexperience was needed as he began the journey toward understanding and enlightenment. He had to avenge his father by facing and defeating Vader. He had to become a Jedi.

Slowly, the details of the surface mountains below rose up from the surrounding sands as he neared the coordinates for a humble knight’s dwelling on the Southwestern edge of the Dune Sea.

* * *

The wind lifted Solo’s hair as he stared silently away into the darkening sky and clouds. Chewbacca stood at the bottom of the ‘Falcon's boarding ramp behind him as Bria Tharen’s father softly wept at the news of his daughter’s death.

The sun had disappeared below the Corellian horizon. Its brilliant, soft pink and orange glow had lasted but fleeting moments on the now-grey clouds overhead. Night was fast approaching as Renn Tharen tried to regain his composure a bit, his thoughts racing in a million directions. His daughter was dead . . . his lovely Bria, his little girl.

He looked up suddenly as if remembering something of importance, “Would you do something for me, Han?â€

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 4:01 am
by deckard
Chapter 25 - Thundering Forward

With the tingling sensation still cascading down his neck, Luke drew in a deep breath, letting it out slowly and evenly as he closed his eyes, calming himself. In his mind’s eye, he remembered the journey to Alderaan, and the time spent with Obi-Wan learning basic lightsaber skills aboard the Millennium Falcon.

He remembered the feel of the gridded deckplates beneath his feet, the new lightsaber hilt in his hands, and the smell inside the musty helmet with the blast shield lowered. As he moved ahead though his memories he heard the muffled sound of Ben’s voice calmly speaking from across the room, “Let go your conscious self, and act on instinct. Stretch out with your feelings.â€