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Joint gathering - Pulau Ubin Cycling trip cum Picnic

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:48 pm
by Sharkie
As the title, I am from the forums, and I extend the invition to the people here at for a joint gathering.

The gathering is planned for the 8th of April, and is to mark First Contact Day, which falls on the 7th.

taken from my post on


Okie, here is the rough schedule... Since FCD (First Contact Day), on the 7th of april, is a friday, lets have it on Saturday and let ourselves have some rest on Sunday for the next working day.

Anyway, the itenary includes

- Cycling Trip (suggest to where, the other time I went to a granite quarry).
- Picnic?
- (optional) Dinner at one of the coffeeshops there?


- $2 for a one-way ride to Pulau Ubin, on bumboat, typically 10 ~ 15 minutes.
- At least $6 for bike rental
- Some money to buy food should you get hungry.


It can get REALLY hot over there, so bring some water.
Mosquitoes are a nuisence, bring some insect repellant if you want.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------

I thouht of going to a beach for the 'picnic', I'll contact nParks about suitable picnicing grounds.

As for the time, when is good for everyone? I thought of having meeting for breakfast at around 9.30am ~ 10.30am at changi village, before walking around for supplies (if needed), then going to Changi Point jetty and wait for a bumboat ride.

Then we rent the bikes (this can take a while to get ourselves organized), then we go *somewhere* <--- any suggestions? I thought maybe we could see chek jawa from the road, but I'm not sure if this is possible...

Any ideas would be welcome!

(ps - try not to bring too many bulky things, as it can get tiring.. you can leave bags at the bike rental shop, then we can have some games while having dinner, though.)


There are taxi vans that are available for rent, should anyone want to bring more bulky stuff/lazy to cycle .

Oh yeah, we will need to make it back to the main village before nightfall, it gets dark there (no streetlamps).

I think $25 should cover for everything, bumboat/bike rental/picnic fee/possible dinner? Bike rental and bumboat (two-way) shouldn't cost more than $10, which leaves $15 for the picnic/dinner.

I think in the other thread, someone mentioned fishing, are we even allowed to fish there? (sorry, I make a bad angler )

Things we *might* need for the 'picnic'

Groundsheets (if there are no chairs/tables)
Finger Food like chips, etc..
Some light stuff like behoon, maybe?
Water (tapwater over there is not safe to drink from)
Newspapers (if anyone gets bored)
Portable BBQ pit? I threw out mine ages ago~ (I think a BBQ is going to be abit troublesome, if we do, we'd definitely need to hire a taxi van for a 1-way trip)

anything else?

I think if everyone has a back pack, we should bring it and distribute the 'goods' amoung ourselves, or we could pool our money together for a taxi van and one person goes to the picnic site while the others make their way there on bikes.

We ccould either have dinner on the island, if the coffeeshop is open or have it back on the mainland at the hawker centre.

If you guys have any suggestions, feel free to voice them out. Tentively, the date is already set at 8th April, and the time, how about 10am? have a nice breakfast, then wait for the bumboat (only leaves when there are 12 people, or when someone is willing to cover the cost for the empty 'slots'.)

Oh, you are responsible for your own safety, ya? Someone bring along a first aid kit should anyone get injured.



A map I edited..

Blue route isn't really reccomended, but there is a rocky, granite(y) beach there, but nothing much. Can see planes landing in Changi from here, and will pass by Ubin Quarry.

Red route is a slight deviation from the more straightforward black route, but it goes through a dirt track.

The cyan route is extra long, I expect it adds around 1 ~ 2km to our total distance traveled, but this route takes us through mangrove swamps and will give us a glimsp of Chek Jawa (I suspect we're not allowed to cycle there)

Then there's the standard Black route, the most direct way. There is a rest stop that we will uh, stop at to regroup, refresh and then restarted.

How does this sound? Leave your name here if you're interested :) Joint gatherings are fun!

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:53 pm
by Darsha Assant
Wow. U guys really have a lot of time. :wink: But good, you're all so on.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:06 pm
by adamteo
will have to cannot go...still too young....

have fun guys.

Re: Joint gathering - Pulau Ubin Cycling trip cum Picnic

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:41 pm
by danchia
Sharkie wrote: Note:

It can get REALLY hot over there, so bring some water.
Mosquitoes are a nuisence, bring some insect repellant if you want.

Hot .

Need water .

Mosquitoes .

Nuisance .

Insect Repellant .

Oh wow.... I am getting a really deja vu feeling about my army days ..... :shock:

Seriously though , it does sound like fun, but I have to work on Saturday mornings. What time are you guys setting out for Ubin ?

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:39 am
by Gandalf Fett
Me and my hive are going but I signed up with ST already

Re: Joint gathering - Pulau Ubin Cycling trip cum Picnic

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:52 pm
by Impulse
danchia wrote:
Sharkie wrote: Note:

It can get REALLY hot over there, so bring some water.
Mosquitoes are a nuisence, bring some insect repellant if you want.

Hot .

Need water .

Mosquitoes .

Nuisance .

Insect Repellant .

Oh wow.... I am getting a really deja vu feeling about my army days ..... :shock:

Seriously though , it does sound like fun, but I have to work on Saturday mornings. What time are you guys setting out for Ubin ?
Army days ah!... oh my god...soon it'll be my turn liao!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:43 pm
by Sharkie
Okay, here's an update:

Meeting place will be at Changi Village Bus Terminal (2, 29, 59 at the terminal itself, 9, 19, 89 stops nearby), where we will have breakfast. Final meeting details:

Meeting venue: Changi Village Bus Terminal
Meeting time : 9am.

After breakfast at around 9.30am, we will set off for Changi Point Ferry Terminal, where we take the bumboat over to P.Ubin.

Bring at least $15, $4 covers a two-way bumboat ride, and around $3 - $6 for whole day bike rental.

Lunch will not be provided, instead, we will each be bringing our own, so as to cut down wastage, plus only you know what you like to eat.

The whole thing will end at around 7pm, where we will then go back to the mainland for dinner

In case of emergency, please call the Pulau Ubin Police Post at 6542-8664, or the NParks Information Kiosk at 65424-108 (Opening hours: 8.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.) Save the P.Ubin Police post number! Important number.

If interested, do feel free to email me at sharkie.88 (at) gmail (dot) com , and I will update you with the schedule. Last date for comfirmation is 4th April.

Any other information you need, feel free to ask, I will answer them.