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Cool!! The Correllian Pub @ Robertson Quay

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:09 am
by Star-Wars-Fun-atic
Hi All, after the Star Wars "Prime of the Jedi' fan film screening last weekend, Mick (the guy in the Han Solo vest in the pic) and I went down to Robertson Quay and across it on Mohammad Sultan Road, we saw a pub called "The Correllian" which had the tag line on front signboard "Never Tell Us The Odds"

Alas, it was early and it was closed and hence we could not go in and check it out, and we were half expecting the bartender to yell, "Hey! We don't serve their kind here!"

Anyone know the story behind the pub? The owner(s) must be pretty big Star Wars fans.

Would be an excellent venue to play Star Wars Trivial Pursuit DVD Saga edition, or have some screening during off peak times if someone had a projector

Darth Dave

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:53 am
by Dr EMH
Bring along a blaster the next time you visit the pub, you won't know who will come up to you ... hehe :lol:

Re: Cool!! The Correllian Pub @ Robertson Quay

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:26 pm
Star-Wars-Fun-atic wrote:Hi All, after the Star Wars "Prime of the Jedi' fan film screening last weekend, Mick (the guy in the Han Solo vest in the pic) and I went down to Robertson Quay and across it on Mohammad Sultan Road, we saw a pub called "The Correllian" which had the tag line on front signboard "Never Tell Us The Odds"
Darth Dave
Hey Mick,

How are you? Nice to hear from you. Would be a good venue to screen the PRIME OF THE JEDI Teasers. Oh, Can you get Michael lim to call me back?

