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"Star Tour in Singapore ~ EP5 & EP6"

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 5:35 pm
by exun
「星游记~ EP5 & EP6」

◎所有相片皆可点图放大(All pictures are supersizable)

来到EP5区,只见空中挂着1个巨大的黑色倒梯形(1),上面写着"STAR WARS Episode V:The Empire Strikes Back"的标题以及开场字幕。
此时我心中立刻响起了"Imperial March"的雄壮军乐,脚步也跟着激昂起来,彷佛要直接加入帝国军一般。
果然,1架TIE bomber正在等着我(2)^_^
旁边停着1把绿色"熨斗" ─Oops! 我是说Slave I 啦^o^,想不到连Bounty Hunter也来啰。
"Warning! Warning!"右方1辆橘色的twin-pod cloud car对我发出警告,似乎是我挡到他们的路了。
How rude! Lando真该好好调教他的手下!
我赶忙转身要走,却被1个巨大的身影挡住(3),Slave I的主人Boba Fett现身!
前方出现一片空旷的黑墙(连小行星群也"冇")─什么!EP5的东西就这样没了!?看来Bounty Hunter的威名和帝国舰队的"扫荡"还真是厉害ㄚ>_<
唯一值得一提的是,右方有座Foley Studio(4),里面准备了许多配音的道具,可以让你根据某段星战影片来配上音效,然后播放出完成的有趣效果。

绕过EP6的黑色标题板后,出现了1只"大火鸡"(5)─AT-ST walker。
Image Image Image
我绕着它转了1圈,想看看可以从哪里"下手"享用这顿"火鸡大餐",2架Imperial Lambda-class shuttle却命令我闪去一旁, 空出它们的降落位置。
幸好1艘Mon Calamari Star Cruiser适时出现(6),Admiral Ackbar让我到bacta tank中泡了一下,伤口立刻痊愈。
他们就近让我在Tatooine降落。我一踏上黄色的沙漠,一阵恐怖的笑声响起,原来是当地恶霸Jabba the Hutt躺在路旁(7)!

待续...."To be continued ..."

"Star Tour in Singapore ~ Prolog & EP4"

"Star Tour in Singapore ~ EP1 & EP2"

"Star Tour in Singapore ~ EP3-1"

"Star Tour in Singapore ~ EP3-2"

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 6:09 pm
COOL MATE !! :o WOW, the pictures are very clear what camera did you use?



Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 6:32 pm
by exun
"Sony DSC-P9" is it's name! ^_^

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 7:11 pm
by Plo Strax-Avix
exun wrote:"Sony DSC-P9" is it's name! ^_^
The Sony DSC-P9 has 3.9 Effective megapixels. Which means my camera should be able to take equally good pics :D

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:44 pm
by exun
One more trick for you guys: I used a hand light(attached to my DV) to illuminate all things I shot in the case of none flash allowed.

It's tired (for my left hand), but it's worth. ^o^

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:36 pm
by SoloFalcon
That means I can use a handheld touch light or fluorescent light, I can take the picture more clearly.
This is because compact camera, ISO setting still not enough for low light condition photo taking.
Furthermore no tripod can be used for long exposure.
Eh… anyone have a white coloured lightsaber?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 6:08 pm
by freefly
Hey exun, did you take a pic of the clone concept art line-up (8 in a line). If you haf, can post?? Mine didn't turn out very well :cry:

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 1:21 pm
Thanks for the tricks mate.

Good to know !! Do you guys have anymore pictures? I saw a General Grevious somewhere . I am producing a photorama for myslef to get a better souvenir of the event.

I did that the last time when i went to Paris.
Looking forward to seeing more pics.




Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 3:24 pm
by adamteo
freefly wrote:Hey exun, did you take a pic of the clone concept art line-up (8 in a line). If you haf, can post?? Mine didn't turn out very well :cry:
looking for this?? Was using a fast lens..thus the sides not really in focus..




Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 3:36 pm
Hi Adam,

How are you?
Well, that is cool, I defintely need some of your best shot.
I will indeed produce my DVD and send it to Steve Sansweet, the biggest STAR WARS COLLECTOR in the world.

I got his address and e-mail.

Looking forward to meet you soon.



Re: "Star Tour in Singapore ~ EP5 & EP6"

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 12:00 am
by hbng
exun wrote:「星游记~ EP5 & EP6」
果然,1架TIE bomber正在等着我(2)^_^
你拍的照片还挺不错! 有空再让我们观赏一些。 :wink:

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 12:11 am
by freefly
adamteo wrote: looking for this?? Was using a fast lens..thus the sides not really in focus.. :)

Hey thanks. If I may be so bold, do you have a higher res of it?

Re: "Star Tour in Singapore ~ EP5 & EP6"

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 4:39 pm
by Boba Wai
hbng wrote: 你拍的照片还挺不错! 有空再让我们观赏一些。 :wink:

Hi hbng,
Nice to meet you :P
Next time when you come to Hong Kong, just call me or Aryet to take a cup of tea :wink:


Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 9:30 pm
by DarthNobody
super cool.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:01 pm
by Dr EMH
freefly wrote:Hey thanks. If I may be so bold, do you have a higher res of it?
You can see the same pic from "The Art of Star Wars" book now available for sale at the S'pore Science Centre.

In fact, most of the exhibit pic can be found in this 288-pages book. It's worth buying one.