#51 - #56 Sightings and Reviews

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#51 - #56 Sightings and Reviews

Post by e3lipse » Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:56 pm

Post all sightings in singapore and review of the figures

Figures have been sighted in Metro , especially Sengkang outlet

CSC has been spotted with every figure but expect to pay $20 or more for one.
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Post by e3lipse » Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:58 pm

#53 Utapuan Warrior

From Rebelscum

My first post was a review so I have come back to my roots to try yet again.Here in the Bay Area I havent been able to much but pegwarmmers these few months but with a new Walmart that opened I found and got the Antilles wave.I got the Utapauian first so here's my review:

Packaging:The ole' flaming Vader head.Enough said.3.25/5

Sculpt:The figure is smaller than Tion Medon.I'd expected the Warrior to be be taller but o well.Good sculpt here,the skirt will let the legs be legs and it really looks like what it is in the movie even though it was pretty hard to see it.My only complains are there are no lines on the face like they do and as I said above he's short.4/5

Paint:This is the figures strong point.Lots of gray and red.The eyes are good and they also painted the teeth.Just the teeth painted for once gives this a high score.5/5

Articulation:11 points.Ok but not satifying.3/5

Accsessories:Helmet,spear,shield,base.I think the helmet is more of a battle cap but boy do I like removeable helmets(caps).The spear is gray and his weapon(thats it).I found it hard for the figure to hold the shield but thanks to the strap,I just put it in the figures back.The base is repainted from the Mustafarian base to look like Utapau.It dosent do it very well.I like all of the accsessories besides the base and the fact that its hard for the figure to hold the shield .3.75/5

This figure has been on my wishlist for months.I was expecting more from this figure.The sculpt and paint job make this figure shine but I know most of us are dissapointed in the articulation.But hey its the best figure in the Antilles wave.I liked it even better than Tarkin.

Final Score:4.25/5
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Post by e3lipse » Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:01 pm

#55 Obiwan pilot
From rs

Packaging: Already covered 4/5

Sculpt: No doubt about it this time. Hasbro hit the nail on the head. Previous Obi Sculpts have been lacking to say the least. This is Ewan Mcgregor and his likeness is best captured here. The body sculpt is perfect not hindered by b*tch slapping action or any stupid Jedi Kick. The face looks intent and perfect. The robe has a required amount of hanging gi (lower part of Karate outfit) and a good body sculpt that actually looks how Obi Holds himself. The shoulders are squared. Good texture. Everything from head to boots is perfect. 5/5

Paint: I picked the best one I could as far as paint apps. Of course it was a trade off as mine's right wrist is a tad loose. The paint is neat as can be by Hasbro's standards and I can't find anything to complain about. 5/5

Articulation: This is super articulated Obi Wan. He looks like a statue in the packaging but whip off that cloak and you'll find SA goodness. This is a fun figure with lots of articulation and also the first Jedi figure to have every bit of Articulation an SA Clone does with balljointed shoulders, elbows, waist, neck, knees, ankles. This is an incredible amount and goes to new heights for non-clone figures. Maybe a trend can be started and an Anakin can be done this way. Mine had a bit of a loose wrist on one side. 5/5

Accessories: He has a nice billowing robe with lots of texture that could rival even #36 Grievous' robe. It hangs on him nicely unfortunatly unless you stick and arm out, other than the head he's a statue wearing it. He also has a removable blade saber. That's a minus. Just bag these removable sabers. They break easily. Mine hasn't but the lightsaber sculpt is good. He also has a headgear piece as seen on the saga figure (not a rehash though). It fits loosely on his head. This is pretty much the ultimate Obi Wan with every accessory I can think of. 5/5

Fun Factor: This is a major character from a major movie--he's the good guy. It doesn't get more fun for a kid than a super articulated version of a fan-favorite like Obi Wan. Collectors will love it to. 5/5

Value: At $5.88 I'd hope for $4.99 but at $4.99 I'd hope for $3.99. I'm cheap. This is worth every penny. If you can't find him in stores yet than he is worth the $12 online average. 5/5

Quality: Mine had a bit of a loose joint, I don't think it matters because it's not floppy loose. Just pick good paint apps. 4/5

Overall: This is Obi Wan. This can be Obi Wan Unleashed. This can be Obi Wan on Mustafar. Obi Wan on Utapau. This is the best Obi Wan Kenobi figure ever made. I am totally blown away by this. I knew he'd be great but in person he's something else. Get this. I don't care if you have 100 other Obi Wans. Get this. 5/5 :grin: :grin: :grin: (I have to love a figure for it to get emoticons)
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Post by e3lipse » Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:01 pm

Mustafar Sentry #56:

Packaging: Already covered 4/5

This is extremely hard to judge. This is a figure with little to no reference material. Hasbro did surpring well with little I can fault them on. Let's start on the numerous positive points. The lower robe is soft rubber allowing for spastic leg poses. The head is attached in a nice gas-mask like fashion. Now that I get to the negative part I realize there isn't any! I love it! 5/5

Paint: This is sort of a problem. You see on the package there's more weathering. His armor looks rusted. On the figure it's all solid color. This means that while there's no slop it's not all that accurate. I do like it better this way myself but the weathering should be an equal-packed varaint. It's preferance. This is how he would've looked in the movie in clean new armor. 4/5

Ariculation: There is good articulation but it's fairly basic. He has nice balljointed shoulders and head but that's it. Hinge elbows and limited ball joint ankes and swivel torso and hips. Not crazy here. It's decent but wrists and knees would've gotten him 5/5. He checks in here with 3.5/5

Accessories: He has a nice, new detailed staff. I love it and the lightning is detailed and cool. Nice touch. The lightning I'm counting as a seperate accessory as it detaches from the staff and takes the tip with it. The action feature is non-existant. No spinning energy bolt here. Thank goodness. It seems out of 54-56 only the ATRT driver has a real action feature. The base is new and it looks as though we'll see it again with the Seperatist leader new figures. I like it. It has fire on the back and rocks on the front. It would look good with the Mustafar playset and is my favorite figure base so far. 5/5

Fun Factor: A weird alien with lightning and fire? 5/5

Value: He's rather large with good accessories and a decent sculpt. $6 is fine. I really think he's worth the online prices as well. He is rather rare as of now so don't give into online places. 5/5

Quality: No problems. 5/5

Overall: An interesting alien. I like him on my shelf and he constantly grows on me. I think he's a must have. I wasn't initially impressed with the pics from the Inside poster but now he's in my top 15 favs. Definatly cool. 4/5
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Post by e3lipse » Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:03 pm

#54 AT-RT Driver

The new AT-RT driver is a great figure that offers incredible value. You get a SA figure that comes with a barrage of accessories that allow for some fun for the kiddies.

Sculpt: A very crisp sculpt that appears movie accurate. His sculpt is reminiscient of the OT scout troopers/BARC troopers both in the head and in the "backpack" on his back. It has similarities, but also looks unique. He also has a bit of a visor over the eyes similar to Commander Cody. The armor is similar to other clones with the exception of a garter on the left leg, the integral "backpack" and a different utility belt.

Articulation: Wow, he is super articulated with ball joints at the shoulder, elbow, ankles, head and knees. Swivel wrists, hips and waist. Yep, he is as good as the #41 SA Clone, but comes with more accessories!

Paint: I'm not sure how movie accurate the paint is since the only scene with these guys was very dark. The paint does match the photo art pretty well though. The application on mine is very clean with little to no bleeding of paint. The figure is a mix of green, brown, white, black and gray. Hasbro does a nice job of catching many of the details such as silver paint for the datapad on the right forearm and painted belt buckles and belt implements. They manage to get black lines between many of the armor elements and color the garter on his left leg a nice tan color to offset it from the armor. The only paint deviation from the photo I can see is the brown paint on the side of the helmet fades to white as you go around the helmet. It looks good, but the photo has the brown paint stopping at a joint.

Accessories: The accessories are a little less impressive than the figure, but that is more than forgiveable. To give this guy some play value for the kiddies he sports a big honking clone rifle that can fire a missile. Its fun, but about 2-3 times larger than the regular rifle. Its something that a collector will toss in a drawer but kids will enjoy. He also comes with a more realistic blaster that has a strap so that you can sling it across his back. it looks really cool slung over a shoulder, but the gun itself is a bit wide. I don't know if that is accurate or not, but it looks a little odd since its twice as wide as a blaster. Another cool accessory is a separate peice of breastplate armor that has some battle damage. A great way to differentiate your clone armor. Since the breastplate fits over the regular breastplate it does look a bit chunky, but not too shabby. When I find another AT-RT driver I'll display him with this on for some variety.

Value. Lots of articulation? Check. Paint is good? Check. Cool sculpt/design? Check. Lots of Accessories? Check (some cool and others are only for the kiddies). This guy has possibly the best value of any basic figure.

Grade: A (It will be an A+ if I can determine if his blaster is movie accurate. Looks odd to me.)

Summary: If you thought the Clone Commander and #41 Clone were awesome you will love this guy too. Buy at least one, if not more!
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Post by e3lipse » Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:05 pm

Zett Zukasa

One complaint that I've heard about Episode 3 was that the Jedi all died too quickly. One person commented that there's no way those clone troopers could have killed any of them. The obvious answer is, they were taken by surprise - how well would you do if your buddies suddenly pulled guns and shot at you? Likewise, one of the younglings killed two or three clones by doing exactly the same thing - getting the drop on them. Of course, he got shot in the face pretty quickly, leading to Bail Organa's shout of "Noooooo!"

But did you know that was George Lucas' son? Jet Lucas had a short cameo as Zett Jukassa, the Padawan who got killed. Lucas' daughters also appeared as senators, and the big guy himself even got a cameo in the opera scene (he has blue skin and a big hat). Zett's action figure is just beginning to hit the pegs, and if you're lucky you should be able to find one.


Since he's Lucas' kid, Zett's sculpt is pretty good. His face is a really accurate representation of Jet's face, and the Padawan outfit looks nice - it's normal Jedi clothing, but there's enough detail to make it look good. There is the issue of billowing sleeves, which look good so long as they point down. All of the reail detail is on Zett's head sculpt - he has a neutral expression on his face, which is much better than some of the "screaming" Jedi sculpts that we've gotten in the past. His hair is, of course, in the Padawan two-braids style, and some attention to detail was given to the over-the-shoulder braid. One nice thing about Jet is that he looks like a normal kid - thus making Zett a really good "NPC" padawan or youngling.

Paint Job:

I couldn't find any slop on Zett, which is a good thing. there are some extra details on his braid, which is probably more than most other figures would get. His outfit has more than one shade of brown, which is gooid and adds some variance to George Lucas' son. Other than that, though, there's nothing really significant about his paint job.


Zett has a balljointed (removable) head, swivel shoulders, swivel elbows, swivel wrists, a swivel waist, and swivel hips. His knees and ankles do not move. His elbow joints seem loose - it's really easy to take him apart at the arms, which is better than, say, breaking, but it's still slightly annoying. The lack of knee articulation puts a damper on this figure, since it's kind of hard to make him stand well.


Zett comes with his trusty clone-whalloping lightsaber and a "tech" base. The base, of course, is asymmetrical, and has been mentioned many other times in my reviews. The lightsaber is an annoying two-piece saber, with a peg to fit into Zett's belt... but he HAS NO HOLE IN HIS BELT, so it's useless. I sometimes wonder how they select their lightsabers for individual Jedi. There are plenty of figures with belt holes who have pegless sabers.

Pricing: $6.99 is a little steep for this guy - he IS a small figure (although still bigger than Yoda). Gone are the days when smaller figures came in two-packs.

Overall (1-5): 4.0. Despite his gruesome death, Zett is a popular figure with kids, it seems (according to several reports). he could use better articulation, and he is just a plain jedi, but it's not a bad figure - and there is no action feature to get in the way.

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Post by e3lipse » Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:06 pm

Captain Antilles

Sculpt: Can't really complain with his sculpt everything I thought it would be. 8/10

Articulation: Well his right arm always seems to come off and he only has 9 points of articulation. You can't bend his knees or move his legs which makes almost impossible to make him stand up with out his base. 6/10

Paint: The paint in my oppinion was actually pretty ok. His cuts are painted nicely and everything else seems to be ok. 8.5/10

Accesories: Well everytime I try to put his gun in his hand his arm always falls off it took me a rough 30 minutes to finaly get his gun in his hand and then take his little robe/cloak thingy off and then put it back on! Also his little hat thingy hardly stays on his head! 5/10

Fun factor: Not very fun at all considering his right freaking arm always falls off. Not poseable at all which isn't very fun to play with. His gun doesn't even look like it could take down a battle droid. 6.5/10

Value: Definately not worth the 6 bucks I would say he is worth 3.4/10

Overall: Absolutely terrible figure although he does look pretty cool next to Bail, but terrible in pretty much every category. I wouldn't reccommend this figure at all unless you want a dumb side kick next to your Bail who I wouldn't reccomend either. 5.4/10
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Post by danchia » Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:07 pm

Has anyone ever seen a Zett Zukasa on the shelves in Singapore ? I really want this figure !

If anyone sees one, can you buy it for me please ? :lol: :wink:

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Post by e3lipse » Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:26 pm

danchia wrote:Has anyone ever seen a Zett Zukasa on the shelves in Singapore ? I really want this figure !

If anyone sees one, can you buy it for me please ? :lol: :wink:
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Post by e3lipse » Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:18 pm

More reviews for Utapaun Warrior and Antilles

First is the Utapuan Warrior!

SCULPT: This character was on the screen for probably less than five seconds, so he's obviously worthy of a figure. There really is nothing to complain about with the sculpt. His 'battle-skirt' is thin enough to allow the legs to move, but the lines in his face are not as visible or as dynamic as Tion Meddon's were. It doesn't really hurt the figure, since most likely you'll have his helmet on. 9/10

PAINT: I couldn;t find anything to complain about when it comes to paint on this figure. I mean, even his teeth are painted! 10/10

ACCESSORIES: 4 things:
Blaster-Staff: It's grey and as a weapon it works.
Sheild: The sheild can be put around on his back, but with the cumbersome strap, I find it hard to put it in his hands.
Helmet: I like this helmet design. It's really interesting....
Utapua Base: This is the first Utapua base and you guessed it: It's just a repainted Mustafar base. And while it worked as a Polis Massa base, it really doesn't work for Utapua. Due to the figures foot design, the base proves useless anyway.

ARTICULATION: I think this is Hasbro doing their best McFarlane impression. A great sculpt, but little or no articulation. The mere 11 points of articulation do nearly nothing for you. Sure, he has a cool ball-joint head and ankles, but he only has a strait-cut swivel jointed right-elbow and no articulation for the left one. With all the great articulation done with all the other warriors and troopers, this is pretty dissapointing. 6/10

OVERALL: 8.25/10 I had high hopes for this figure. While the scult is excellent, the articulation was poor. While I do think sculpt is more important, I NEED some way to move my figure around! I love posing things, but this one.... ...can't be posed.
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Post by e3lipse » Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:18 pm

Now, it's Captain Antilles!

SCULPT: Captain Antilles clearly cannot be the Captain Antilles of ANH. I'm sure he would've aged. It's possible that this Antilles is the father, or maybe just his father's uncle's cousin's roomate from colledge, of ANH's Antilles. Anyway, that doesn't matter. The face sculpt on the figure is pretty darn good. The outfit is also pretty darn good. It will make for excellent Jeremy Bulluch customs. There is one not so pretty darn good aspect of the figure: NO SCALE!!!! He is clearly not in scale to the Bail figure. There is no way he is THAT short! 8.5/10

PAINT: Not even Anakin's scars are that dynamic, and his need to be. Not Antilles. The picture shows slight cuts, not scars, across his face. This figure looks like the cuts were painted with a big brush! But other than that major thing... it's ok. 8/10

Headset: What this is for, I don't know. Maybe it's a fashion statement, since it looks cool on his head.
Blaster: It's entirely different from Bail's and fits in his holster.
Cloak: It's also entirely different from Bail's!
Cooridor Base: This, however, is not different from Bail's..it's the same thing!

ARTICULATION: He has only 9 points! But that's all you really need for him. He just stood around in the movie, anyways. It would've been nice to see him with as many as Bail, though. 8/10

OVERALL: 8.625/10 It's a nice figure, but since he's so out of scale, compared to Bail, (or, it could be that Bail's out ofd scale- Who knows?!?) he may prove useless...only if you're not a customizer. I'd get it, just for Old Tyme's sake.
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