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I need Advice, Can anyone help?

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:13 am
by Arc_Trooper71
I've been making my own Gunship turrets, out of Materials posted by a site, but i need the pilots, becuase of the Attachement connected to the turrets is needed. But i'm Low on cash right now, I don't feel like ordering hard to find Pilots off of E-bay. Plus, I made my own Custom Pilots. :) So if anyone has any ideas for something to replace those parts, please Post to this. Thank you! ~Arc Trooper. 8)

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 11:05 am
by Arc_Trooper71
:\ Well, If anyone has any sugestions, HIT ME! :)

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:48 pm
by sean76
arc_: any updates on the turrets? pics? would like to see what you have accomplished...also do you mind sharing which site you refered to on constructing the turrets..thanks a bunch.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:32 pm
by Arc_Trooper71
I'll can tell you how I constructed them..

1. Went to a crafts store, (Michaels, Etc.) Bought Clear Chrsitmas Orinimates (Do it yourself ones, make sure they're clear.) 2. (Got white forming foam (kind used to make shapes for kids you know, for school projects, they come in sheets, sometimes, use that.) 3. (Cutting tool, super glue, and you're set. Use a picture and a flexible ruler for measuring...and there you go, custom turrets..Just be sure to find something like a disk shaped thing for the mounted gun, seats can be placed inside any way you can think of..I made mine of of cardboard and spray painted them and formed them, straps on the seat, and all. If you need more help, PM me.