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Star Wars Trivia

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:05 am
by Zul
Here are some of Star Wars trivia, taken from all episodes I, II, III, IV, V, and VI . Some of them fans might already know.......

Quiz: Which 3 actors in TESB also acted in the other Lucasfilm's movie, Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade?
Answer: Obviously Harrison Ford as both Han Solo And Indiana Jones. The other 2 are: Julian Glover as General Veers and Nazi sympathizer Walter Donovan, and Michael Sheard as Admiral Ozzel and a cameo as Adolf Hitler.

Q: Which actor in the original trilogy is the uncle of Ewan McGregor, a.k.a. Obi-Wan Kenbi in Prequel trilogy?
A: Denis Lawson as X wing Fighter pilot and Luke's friend Wedge in ANH, TESB, ROTJ.

Q: In Raiders Of The Lost Ark and Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, there are references to the SW droids R2D2 and C3PO......
A: In Raiders, when Indy found the resting place of The Ark Of The Covenant in the Well Of Souls, there are 2 places where the inscribed figures of the droids could be seen; one on the wall and the other on the rectangular pillar. In Close Encounters, there is a figure of R2D2 attached upside down to the underside of the alien mother ship when it first came into view.

Q: Which alien movie features the SW toy figures and a costumed Yoda?
A: E.T. directed by Steven Spielberg.

Q: Which actor in a costume is also making a cameo appearance in Attack Of The Clones?
A: Anthony Daniels, usually known as the actor in C3PO metallic suit makes his cameo as one of the patrons of the bar.

Q: George Lucas and his daughters and a son also cameo in......
A: Revenge Of The Sith. GL as the blue-faced Baron Papanoida, his daughters Katie & Amanda Lucas as Chi Eekway and Terr Taneel respectively. His son Jett Lucas is Zett Jukassa, the young Jedi Padawan who was killed when he fought the clone troopers.

Q: Which actor holds two roles and wears two different costume suits?
A: Silas Carson as both Jedi Council member Ki-Adi-Mundi & Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray.

Q: Where is the reference to Star Wars in Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom?
A: The opening scene which took place in Club Obi-Wan.

Q: Which actor plays both Boba Fett in TESB and ROTJ, and as Captain Colton in ROTS?
A: Jeremy Bulloch.

Q: Which actor in A New Hope other than Harrison Ford stars in Raiders Of The Lost Ark?
A: William Hootkins. He was the Red Six pilot Porkins who was killed by a TIE fighter and as Major Eaton who commisioned Indy with finding the Ark Of The Covenant.

Star Wars Trivia Part 2

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:00 am
by Zul
- Tatooine is a sparsely populated planet in a binary star system. The two suns are named Tatoo I and Tatoo II. The planet also happens to have three moons. Tatooine is named for the location at which 'Star Wars' was filmed in Tunisia, namely Tataouine.

- Peter Cushing was best known for appearing in British horror films produced by Hammer Films. Interestingly, he appeared in a couple dozen films with Christopher Lee, who would play Count Dooku (aka Darth Tyranus) in the later three 'Star Wars' episodes.

- Greedo is a Rodian from the planet Rodia. Amusingly enough, Greedo's dialogue is just his actual lines played backwards.

- After Luke is released by the snake-like creature in the garbage soup, loud creaking and cranking sounds begin to eminate from the inner machinery of the trash compactor. This prompts Han Solo to use the 'bad feeling' line, a line that is used in each of the 'Star Wars' films (first by Luke in this film).

- In 'Star Wars' incestuous moment number one, Leia gives Luke a gentle peck on the cheek, but claims it's 'for luck'. With added robustness, Luke holds Leia at his side and swings deftly across the shaft, making it cleanly to the other side

- Mention of Princess Leia occurs in the third paragraph of the prologue. Specifically, it reads:

'Pursued by the Empire's sinister agents, Princess Leia races home aboard her starship, custodian of the stolen plans that can save her people and restore freedom to the galaxy....'

- The other droid, similar in appearance to C-3PO, walks with R2-D2 and C-3PO for a time, but then vanishes into an opening after a short while. Though fans of 'Star Wars' have desperately attempted to understand the fate of this misguided droid, its whereabouts are unknown.

- Interesting factoid: Did you know that Cindy Williams (of TV's 'Laverne and Shirley') was among those who auditioned for the part of Princess Leia?

- 2-1B helps Luke out near the beginning of the film when he almost freezes to death on Hoth and at the end of TESB.

- Tatooine gets the most footage of all of the planets in the "Star Wars" chronicles.

- Wedge was in just about all of the major attacks that involved fighter pilots.