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US spacecraft fires probe at passing comet to study its core

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 1:08 am
by dranoel
A US space projectile crashed head-on into a comet hurtling through the solar system in an unprecedented feat of technology that scientists hope will reveal the secrets of the Universe.

The probe rammed the heart of the Tempel 1 comet exactly as planned at 0552 GMT, 133 million kilometres from Earth.

"That's awesome! That's awesome!" US flight control officials shouted after the impact was confirmed. "We hit just exactly where we wanted to."

A picture sent to Earth by a fly-by probe showed a bright flash of light as the projectile collided with the massive comet, which is travelling through the solar system at approximately 37,100 kilometres per hour and is equal in size to half of Manhattan Island. - AFP/de
After reading that report, a thought has been bugging me the past few days. A higher life-form presumes no life exists on the passing rock in space, and sends a probe crashing into it as part of an experiment...

:?: What if instead, that rock was Earth? And our signs of life are not detected by an alien life-form, which then sends one of their probes crashing into us? The aliens then celebrate their "success", while we suffer millions of deaths amidst the destruction. :(

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 2:51 am
by danchia
Your post sent a cold chill up my spine, man. I never looked at it that way. You are absolutely right..... :shock: